Watch Out For Wet Leaves!

In the late 80’s I worked at a law firm on Pacific Street in Newark. All of the jobs I ever had were all in Newark and always within walking distance since I didn’t have a car. It never dawned on me to buy a car but that’s a story for another day.

On this one rainy Autumn day, I am walking to work as usual, when at the corner of Walnut and Pacific I start to slip on the wet leaves clustered in the crosswalk. I try to stop myself from falling directly into traffic. There I was, arms flailing, feet slip-sliding, heart racing. And I’m sure this was all just in a matter of seconds but everything felt like it was in slow motion. As I’m trying to stop myself from falling I couldn’t stop thinking how funny this is as I realize if I do fall into traffic, Galante’s Funeral Home was directly in front of me. How convenient for them, a customer just slides right into their doorway. In my head, I was already reading my obituary;

Laura Maria Paz, nee Igrejas…. cause of death, wet leaves.

Since then whenever it rains in the fall, I have told my sons to “Watch out for wet leaves!” I doubt I can ever stop. At this point for them, it’s just another one of my mom-isms, or maybe it’s just a me thing.

So everyone, please……. Watch out for wet leaves!

Short StoriesLaura Paz